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  3. Today marks the start of 二十四節気(Nizyusisekki) the 24th day of the year, 大雪 “Taisetsu” (heavy snow)!

Today marks the start of 二十四節気(Nizyusisekki) the 24th day of the year, 大雪 “Taisetsu” (heavy snow)!

Today marks the start of 二十四節気(Nizyusisekki) the 24th day of the year, 大雪 “Taisetsu” (heavy snow)!

The calendar divides the year into six parts: spring, summer, autumn, winter, and winter.

二十四節気 Twenty-four solar terms in winter
立冬 Rittou → 小雪 Shousetsu (light snow) → 大雪 Taiaetsu (heavy snow) → 冬至 Touji (winter solstice ) → 小寒 Shokan (light cold) → 大寒Daikan ( heavy cold)

大雪 TAISETSU ( Heavy snow )
The time when winter arrives in earnest.
Mountains are covered with snow and snow piles up on the plains.

The next 24th day of the month is December 22nd, 冬至 TOUJI “Winter Solstice”.

七十二候 SHITIZYUNIKOU (The 72 solar terms)
A calendar that further divides the 24 solar terms into three parts.

The first season is from the 7th to the 11th.
閉塞成冬 Sora samuku fuyu to naru
The time when the qi of heaven and earth is blocked up and winter comes.

The next symptom is around 12~15 days.
熊蟄穴 Kuma anani komoru

Around the time when bears go into hibernation

Around the 16th~21st day of the month
魚厥魚群 Sakenouo muragaru
*Salmon reverts to reverberation
Around the time when salmon swarm upstream


It started getting really cold a few days ago 🥶 I’ve got my coats out and gloves and scarves ready.

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