Today is 立夏 RIKKA

Today is 立夏 “Rikka” in 二十四節気 Nijushisekki the 24 solar terms calendar.
Rikka” in the 24 solar terms calendar!
According to the calendar, we have entered “summer!
■ 二十四節気 Nijishisekki : The 24 solar terms
The calendar divides the year into six parts: spring, summer, autumn, winter, and winter.
The calendar divides the year into 6 parts: spring, summer, autumn, winter, and winter.
Twenty-four solar terms in summer
立夏Rikka→小満 Shoman →芒種 Boshu →夏至 Geshi:Summer solstice→小暑 Shosho→ 大暑 Taisho
■ 立夏 Rikka
Beginning of summer
The most comfortable season of the year with a refreshing blue sky and Koinobori (carp streamers) swimming happily
The next 24th day of the year is 小満 “Shoman” on May 21.
■ 七十二候 Shichijuniko The 72 solar terms
A calendar that further divides the 24 solar terms into three parts.
The first season is from the 6th to the 9th.
蛙始鳴 Kawazu hajimete naku
Around the time when frogs awaken from hibernation and begin to move
The next season, around 10~14 days
蚯蚓出 Mimizu izuru
Around the time when earthworms that have been hibernating come out of the ground
Last season, around 15th~20th
竹笋生 Takenoko Shozu
Around the time bamboo shoots emerge
The season differs depending on the type, and can be harvested from March to June.
In the houses, traditional carp streamers are hung in the yard, and the boy’s name is dyed on the banner to announce, “A boy is born in our family! and the name of the boy is dyed on the banner to announce, “We have a baby boy!
I hope he will grow up to be a big and splendid boy!
Parents’ wishes are always the same💗.