We have entered spring!

February 4 is “Risshun” in the 24 solar terms calendar!
It is “Risshun” : 立春
According to the calendar, we have entered spring.
Risshun is the 24th day of the year.
There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.
The calendar divides spring, summer, fall, and winter into six seasons.
4 x 6 = 24
24 seasonal divisions of spring
立春:Risshun → 雨水:Usui → 啓蟄:Keichitsu → 春分:Shunbun (Vernal Equinox )→ 晴明:Seimei → 穀雨:Kokuu
◾️ 春分
The first day of spring
According to the old calendar, the beginning of the year was considered to begin with Risshun.
Seasonal festivals such as Setsubun and Hatizyuhatiya of the year start from Risshun.
The ume (plum) blossoms begin to bloom, a sign of spring.
The next 24th day of the season is “Usui” on February 19.
◾️ 七十二候:72 solar terms
A calendar that divides the 24 solar terms into three more
24 x 3 = 72
First Season: February 4 to 8
The east wind will thaw the cold and cold winds will blow in the spring
Around the time when warm spring winds begin to melt the ice
The next season, from the 9th to the 13th
Yellow-bellied warbler begins to sing
Around the time when Japanese bush warblers begin to sing
heralds the arrival of spring
The last season, from the 14th to the 18th
Ice over fish
Around the time when ice cracks on lakes and rivers and fish start to emerge from under the ice
Once we get rid of the bad luck at Setsubun, we are entering spring!
Plum blossoms begin to bloom, and the workings of nature are steadily and unforgettably progressing♪
It makes me feel excited 💕.
#24 Seasonal Signs #72 Climates #Calendar
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