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  3. January 20 is “Daikan 大寒”

January 20 is “Daikan 大寒”

January 20 is “Daikan” in the 24 solar terms calendar

◾️二十四節気:Nijushisekki (24 solar terms)

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.
The calendar divides spring, summer, fall, and winter into six seasons.
4 x 6 = 24

Twenty-four solar terms in winter
立冬 Ritto → 小雪 Shosetsu → 大雪 Taisetsu → 冬至 Toji:winter solstice → 小寒 Shokan → 大寒 Daikan

◾️大寒 Daikan (Big chill)
The coldest season of the year
The last 24 solar terms of winter

The 30 days from Shokan to Setsubun is called the “end of the cold season
The last day of cold and the last day of winter is Setsubun
When the cold season ends, it becomes “Risshun”.

The next 24th day of the year is “Risshun” on February 4.

◾️七十二候:Shitijuniko  The 72 solar terms
A calendar that further divides the 24 solar terms into 3 parts
24 x 3 = 72

The first season (around 20th~24th)
款冬華 fukinohana saku
Around the time when butterbur flowers begin to bloom on the frozen ground

Plants and flowers begin to move toward spring.

The next season: from 25th to 29th.
水沢腹堅 sawamizu koritumeru
When the water in the stream becomes thick ice.

The last season, from the 30th to the 3rd.
鶏始乳 niwatori hazimete toyani tuku
When chickens begin to lay eggs.

Chickens in their natural state increase their egg-laying rate as the daylight hours become longer

The new year is upon us, and in the blink of an eye, it will be the 20th of the year, and next month, we will throw beans for Setsubun and kill the ogres 👹.
Then Valentine’s Day💘

Time never stops, so we have to live one day at a time 😀.


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