立春 Risshun

In the lunar calendar, the year begins with Risshun.
二十四節気24sekki (24-seasonal cycle )
Risshun 立春→ Usui 雨水→ Keititu 啓蟄→ Syunbun春分→Seimei 晴明→ Kokuu 穀雨
The next 24-seasonal cycle is “Usui” on February 19th.
Risshun 立春
The plum trees are beginning to bloom and the weather is gradually getting warmer, showing signs of spring.
However, it is still very cold…
七十二候 72-kou ( Seventy-two weather signs )
A calendar that further divides the 24 seasonal divisions into three.
First weather: 4~8 days
East wind thawing, Harukaze wind breaking through the ice
When the warm spring wind melts the ice.
Next weather: 9~13 days
Yellowish Warblers have been reported.
The warblers begin to sing, heralding the arrival of spring.
End of the year, around 14th to 18th
Ice on the fish
When the warmth of spring causes the fish in the water to come out from between the broken ice.
It’s still cold, but spring is getting ready to come!
Almost there🌸
#24th season #72nd season #calendar
#What day is today #Kanji de sho
#calligraphy #kanjidesho
#shunyo #春瓔