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It is “Shoman 小満 “

From today, according to the calendar of 24 solar terms : 二十四節気 Nijushisekki.

It is “Shoman” 小満 in the 24 solar terms!

■ 二十四節気 Nijushisekki (24 solar terms)

The calendar divides the year into 6 parts

The calendar divides the year into 6 parts: spring, summer, autumn, winter, and winter.

Twenty-four solar terms in summer

立夏 Rikka →小満 Sgoman →芒種  Boshu →夏至 Geshi →小暑 Shosho →大暑 Taisho

■ 小満 “Shoman”

A time when all things are bathed in the light of the sun and grow and all life is full of life.

The next 24th day of the month is June 6th, “芒種”.

■ 七十二候:Shitujuniko  The 72 solar terms

A calendar that further divides the 24 solar terms into three parts.

The first season (around 21~25 days)

蚕起食桑 Kaiko okite kuwa o hamu

The time when silkworms eat mulberry leaves actively and grow.

The next season, around 26~30 days

紅花栄 Benibana sakau

Around the time when safflowers bloom abundantly all over the area

The last season is from 31st to 5th.

麦秋至 Mugi no toki itaru

The time when barley ripens and puts forth golden ears.

The wind that blows across the ears of barley shaking them is called a barley storm, and the rain that falls during this period is called a barley shower.


The wheat, which until recently had green ears, has quickly turned golden!

Will they be turned into flour, bread and pasta, or will they go to the brewery to be processed into delicious beer?

Either way, we are grateful for them.

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