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March 6 is “Keichitsu”



March 6 is “Keichitsu” 

啓蟄 “Keichitsu” in 二十四節気 Nizyushisekki : the 24 solar terms calendar!

The calendar divides the year into 6 parts: spring, summer, autumn, winter, and winter.

The 24 solar terms of spring

立春 Risshun → 雨水 Usui → 啓蟄 Keihatsu → 春分 Shunbun : Vernal Equinox → 晴明 Seimei → 穀雨 Kokuu

■ 啓蟄 Keichitsu, The 24 solar terms of spring

The time when living creatures that have been hibernating in the ground awaken

The next 24th day of the year is March 21, “Shun bun” (春分).

■ 七十二候 The 72 solar terms

A calendar that divides the 24 seasonal divisions into three more

The first season is from the 6th to the 10th.

蟄虫啓戸 sugomorimushi to o hiraku

Insects that have been hibernating in the ground come out to the open air.

Insects are all living things that awaken from hibernation.

The next weather season, around 11th~15th

桃始笑 momo hazimete saku

Around the time when peach blossoms begin to bloom.

The word “bloom” is expressed as “smile.

The last symptom is around 16th~20th.

菜虫化蝶 namushi choto naru

Caterpillars grow and chrysalis hatch and flap their wings to become butterflies.

Caterpillars are caterpillars that grow on the leaves of radishes and turnips.


Red and white plum blossoms and early blooming cherry trees are blooming under the warm sunshine during the day🌸.

Spring is already here!

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